Support Autistic Parents UK
Autistic Parents UK is seeking dedicated volunteers to join our incredible team. We are a fully user-led registered charity, offering peer support, webinars, training, signposting and resources on lived Autistic parenthood.
Volunteering opportunities are currently available in the following working groups:
Peer support (Autistic parents volunteers as lived experience required)
Content management and creation
Social media (particularly Discord)
We welcome anyone who would like to offer their time alongside us to support people at whatever stage they are at with their understanding of Autism and being Autistic. We strive to treat all people with understanding, respect and compassion and are dedicated to being inclusive of ALL Autistic parents and of the needs of our volunteers and beneficiaries.
We want to proactively address all factors that cause barriers to entry for those involved in the running of APUK and those who access support. By joining Autistic Parents UK as a volunteer, you will be part of a compassionate and diverse community that strives to empower Autistic families.
We greatly appreciate any time and commitment you can make and are committed to fully supporting the needs of our volunteers. There is no role too small, and we will work flexibly with you to ensure you are happy and satisfied with your position. Please visit fill in our form below to register your interest and our Volunteer Coordinator will be in touch shortly to answer any questions you may have.
We currently have a small number of Trustee roles available within Autistic Parents UK. Trustee roles are also voluntary but do require more dedication and time than our other voluntary roles. If you are interested or would like to find out more you can find more details here.
We are now in a position to consider fundraising more seriously as we have a number of running services that we are continually developing and many plans for future growth.
All of our spending is kept to a minimum and what we do spend is agreed upon by all members of the committee to ensure there is a clear rationale and an agreed outcome for evaluation.